
Comparative Analysis

I am not at war
I am not fighting for my family
I am not dying for my values
This is my benchmark

I am well
And happy

Is life just not dying?
Yes ++

Abundance of communication

The security of accessible communication keeps us apart
This resource creates the illusion of proximity
Take it away and we feel distant

The illusion of proximity isolates
A phone call, a DM is so easy and abundant that we don’t do it
The faucet will always be there, until it isn’t

When it’s not there anymore it’s no big loss because we got used to it existing only in our minds.

You we’re already a memory, dead in life


I’ve called you over again
The front door stays closed but unlached
One word will blow down the door
A breath would be enough
Stay at my door, say the word, don’t whisper a word
The blaze will be set
I’m too tired, I’m too old
I cannot rebuild
The fire is out
Stay with me
Stay silent


Il a perdu femme et enfant
Et moi me plaindre d’être adolescent?

Comment lui dire que j’étais là
Puis-je penser d’être si présent ?

Orgueil ou empathie, je ne sais pas
J’étais triste pour lui et pour moi

Une voiture, une tempête
Route glissante, route de sang

T’as prit un autre, femme et enfant
Un homme brisé pour m’aider

Dans la voie, triste et tortué


By a lake, I cried
On the river, I wept
In the ocean, I swam, but I’m still sad yet
Niagara had nothing compared to my eyes
A flood is coming and it’s to size
Why all the worries, why no goodbyes
Holding you close, one last time
All the regret made this boat capsize
Holding myself just above the tide
You left too soon, it is not fair
Am I the only one who cares?
I know that’s not true, but I hurt the most
I wish I believed in ghosts
Then we could talk, just you and I
Like we used to all those times
Alone and drenched through and through
God I miss you