
Comparative Analysis

I am not at war
I am not fighting for my family
I am not dying for my values
This is my benchmark

I am well
And happy

Is life just not dying?
Yes ++

Abundance of communication

The security of accessible communication keeps us apart
This resource creates the illusion of proximity
Take it away and we feel distant

The illusion of proximity isolates
A phone call, a DM is so easy and abundant that we don’t do it
The faucet will always be there, until it isn’t

When it’s not there anymore it’s no big loss because we got used to it existing only in our minds.

You we’re already a memory, dead in life

two rocks

It’s been a long time
That doesn’t matter
Nothing has changed

This is our test, this how we stay sain
We don’t need to talk while we’re apart
When we’re together, it’s like yesterday, even when yesterday is far away

You’re the same, I’m the same, see?
Nothing has changed
At least this stays the same

I’m a rock and you’re a rock
We’re two rocks and we don’t change
Everything else is different
Nothing stays
I can’t stay, you can’t stay
It’s ok, we’re the same

Let’s not talk and stay the same?
Yes, let’s not talk and stay the same.

I like not talking and staying the same
You’re my rock, my bedrock, my solid ground

I’m built on you just far away
Stay the same, please stay the same, everything changes, please stay the same
If you go I might fall down, don’t crumble away please stay strong

I know you won’t change
Your solid ground, I’m a rock and you’re a rock

A small rock and you were a small rock
Two small rocks now older rocks
Not old rocks yet but someday

Someday I’ll go away or you’ll go away
It’s ok, let’s not talk but stay the same
When you’re gone and I am gone
We’ll be the same, gone away

I’ll stay the same because you stayed the same
When there’s nothing left and we can’t talk
I’ll be the same and you’ll be the same
Nothing different, it’s all the same

I’m the same and you’re the same


By a lake, I cried
On the river, I wept
In the ocean, I swam, but I’m still sad yet
Niagara had nothing compared to my eyes
A flood is coming and it’s to size
Why all the worries, why no goodbyes
Holding you close, one last time
All the regret made this boat capsize
Holding myself just above the tide
You left too soon, it is not fair
Am I the only one who cares?
I know that’s not true, but I hurt the most
I wish I believed in ghosts
Then we could talk, just you and I
Like we used to all those times
Alone and drenched through and through
God I miss you

nuage gris

Dans le ciel au-dessus de mon lit
Par la fenêtre octogonale
J’ai croisé ton regard, nuage gris
Plutôt une illustration, deux cercles croisés
Un faux nuage, j’étais incapable de le regarder
Peur, peine et angoisse remplient mon esprit
“Papa, Papa, come see, come see”
Il vient me voir pour me consoler
Le ciel tout bleu quand il a regardé
Aucune preuve de mon nuage dessiné
“I swear it was there”, je lui dis
À cette heure t’es partie, vers ton ciel mérité

Ce que j’ai vu, je n’ai jamais compris
Toute ma vie cela m’a inspiré
Près de toi je suis toujours resté
Mon étoile de jour, ce nuage gris
Merci d’être là pour me guider

Field at night

For a time, why not
Grab the wheel
Keep’er steady now, were on course
The edge is dull
It’s dull as blight
Back and forth now
Straighten out

Mind the rocks, can’t stop til light
Rain a pouring no good for picking
Waves are even, tops a flying
Sea of dirt, no end in sight
Get them in before frostbite
Rack em’ up and ship them West
Were only growing the very best

Take control now I’m going home
Thermos full
Warm and bold
Drink that coffee, it’s getting old
No one leaves until we’re through
We want you for the pickin’ crew

Wing row and trucks, all lit up
Thanks to the harvesters’ lights

The shift is done, September too
Rest up, rest up, tomorrow is new

In the field

Bend over basket and don’t stop pickin’
That digger ain’t stopping, that flatbed is edgin’

We’ll be at Frank’s, we start at 7
Pack a good lunch, breaks at 11

Tickets in hand, marked by Fernande
Claiming my haul, russets this fall

45 paces, I’m 8 years old
A twig marks the line or so I am told

Move to the left, move to the right
Up one row, I’m going too slow

Pick up the pace, 2 rows to get in
The prisoners are quicker, I’m just too thin

My uncles help out, they tease me, don’t shout
Shorten my pace, catch up to the race

Basket in barrel, hear the them tumble in
22 and change which I cash in

Back to school I go, 2 weeks in a row
Was fun, but next year, not sure if I’ll show