

Engines on high
Were heading due East
There must be a hundred boats at least
Parallel lines
All at full speed
It’s foggy and choppy

You see them in the far
A few blinks of there lights is all you get
A few blinks back is all you have time for
Keep it straight and hold full throttle
The storm is roaring and tailing
The clouds are dark and its the middle of the night
Don’t stop, don’t you dare stop
You gotta stay the course
Everyone else is trying to do the same
Every once and in while, you chat over shortwave
It’s enough to keep going
Hope we don’t run out of gas
Hope keeps us going and the fact we’re still alive
We’re loosing so many and many more to come
All in this alone, together, wouldn’t that be nice

Full steam ahead
Where in hell is the coast?
Where in hell is the sun?

Field at night

For a time, why not
Grab the wheel
Keep’er steady now, were on course
The edge is dull
It’s dull as blight
Back and forth now
Straighten out

Mind the rocks, can’t stop til light
Rain a pouring no good for picking
Waves are even, tops a flying
Sea of dirt, no end in sight
Get them in before frostbite
Rack em’ up and ship them West
Were only growing the very best

Take control now I’m going home
Thermos full
Warm and bold
Drink that coffee, it’s getting old
No one leaves until we’re through
We want you for the pickin’ crew

Wing row and trucks, all lit up
Thanks to the harvesters’ lights

The shift is done, September too
Rest up, rest up, tomorrow is new

In the field

Bend over basket and don’t stop pickin’
That digger ain’t stopping, that flatbed is edgin’

We’ll be at Frank’s, we start at 7
Pack a good lunch, breaks at 11

Tickets in hand, marked by Fernande
Claiming my haul, russets this fall

45 paces, I’m 8 years old
A twig marks the line or so I am told

Move to the left, move to the right
Up one row, I’m going too slow

Pick up the pace, 2 rows to get in
The prisoners are quicker, I’m just too thin

My uncles help out, they tease me, don’t shout
Shorten my pace, catch up to the race

Basket in barrel, hear the them tumble in
22 and change which I cash in

Back to school I go, 2 weeks in a row
Was fun, but next year, not sure if I’ll show