end of the world


I’m taking you to the edge of space
We can still fall back at this place
I’m holding you above the clouds
At the edge of night and day
Depending on how the sun sways
Why bring me here, what’s the point
Beauty and wonder isn’t that enough


Engines on high
Were heading due East
There must be a hundred boats at least
Parallel lines
All at full speed
It’s foggy and choppy

You see them in the far
A few blinks of there lights is all you get
A few blinks back is all you have time for
Keep it straight and hold full throttle
The storm is roaring and tailing
The clouds are dark and its the middle of the night
Don’t stop, don’t you dare stop
You gotta stay the course
Everyone else is trying to do the same
Every once and in while, you chat over shortwave
It’s enough to keep going
Hope we don’t run out of gas
Hope keeps us going and the fact we’re still alive
We’re loosing so many and many more to come
All in this alone, together, wouldn’t that be nice

Full steam ahead
Where in hell is the coast?
Where in hell is the sun?

In a hot tub at the end of the world

On a cliff
At the tip
On the edge
About twenty feet
In a hot tub
Staring north
Waters colliding
Just bellow
The path is icy
Don’t slide off
The view is far
This is surreal
Stewing myself
I see a dock
Off the grave of a mill
Makes no sense
I don’t care
10 under zero
Snow all around
I don’t hear a sound
Crank up those jets and settle in
Edge of the world
Could be the end
If that’s the case
I’m not helping
A pool of hot water
On top of a ridge
A hundred degrees
And I’m just cookin’